Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Why am I moving?

Everyone wants to know WHY I'm moving. No I have no family in TN. Other then a few people on fb I know no one in TN. We choose TN because my husband and I went there for our honeymoon 14 1/2 yrs ago and fell in love with it. We went back for our 10 yr anniversary with the girls and it still felt like home. We just absolutely love it there. When we started talking about relocating one of the first states we looked at was TN. TN is also the state that my husband has always wanted to live in ever since he was a boy.
We checked out several other states. KY pulled a close second as did NC and AL. NC and AL were eliminated simply because we have been seen the type of property we are looking for there in our price range. KY was eliminated due to their personal property tax. While TN has a personal property tax also, they do not however have a state income tax.

Honestly, I think I can be happy just about anywhere that has the property we are looking for and decent schools for the girls and shopping within an hours drive.

But the BIG question I know everyone wants to know is WHY? Why move when we have a nice house here in MD? Why move when I have already built a successful photography studio here? Why move when all our family is here? Why, why, why...

Let me answer. Dan and I want a fresh start some place else. We want to leave some demons behind us and move on, start over, a new beginning some place else. We have both lived our whole lives in MD and we want to know what the grass is like on the other side. I don't want to live my whole life living in this one state simply because I am afraid of change. I truly believe that in TN we will find a slower pace of life. We want that laid back lifestyle. We no longer want the hustle and bustle of life here in MD.
As for family. Eventually my parents will join us in TN. After we settle in and get ourselves together my parents will move also. Matter in fact they are also selling their house at the same time we are selling ours. However we expect their house to take longer to sell since it is 40 acres in Taneytown and will be listed for a much higher amount then our house. Real estate in those brackets tend to take a little longer to sell.
As for Dan's parents. We completely expect them to come visit and since Dan's brother lives in FL they can just stop by and see us on their way to FL.

As for my photography studio. I did it once I can do it again if I choose to. I honestly have no idea what I will get into out there. All I know is that I want to be available for daughters. I want to be home when they go to school and home when they get off school. I want to be able to do things together as a family on the weekends. Explore our new community and surroundings. I will always have my passion for photography. Maybe taking a step back from it as a profession will give me the chance to photograph my own children. Capturing their life's story and tell it the way I do for my clients.
Maybe I'll get into fitness more in TN. I just don't know. Beachbody is starting a P90X certification. Once certified you can teach P90X classes in gyms and fitness centers. I would LOVE to be able to do that. The training and certification is really expensive. You have to travel to CA for it. I don't know if that is something I will explore more or not.

I just don't have a clue where the road will lead me once I am in TN, but I know it will be amazing whatever it is.
I honestly truly believe that for us the grass will be greener on the other side. I know that once we are in TN we will create the best of everything for our family. So there you have it.

I hope you will continue to follow me through this journey.


  1. TN is beautiful. I'm sure you will enjoy it, and your new life!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
