Monday, January 23, 2012

Fitness journey

So far I've talk a lot about my vegan lifestyle and I haven't mentioned much about exercise. Don't you worry though. I exercise 6 days a week! Matter in fact my health and fitness journey started with exercise alone. Back in May 2010 my husband Dan and I start Power 90. A workout program put out by Beachbody. It is the program you do if you aren't ready for P90X, LOL. Which at that time we were NOT ready for P90X and had we started our fitness journey with such a extreme workout program we probably would not have stuck with it. Power 90 was a great starting program. I lost 30 lbs in 90 days with the program. But my goal was to lose 50 lbs. So after I completed Power 90 I moved on to P90X. After 90 days of extreme boot camp style workouts I had lost 22 lbs. I was in the best shape of my life.

Not only had I hit my goal weight but I was a size 6! Seriously I hadn't been a size 6 since high school. I knew I had found one key to weight loss success. Exercise programs that contain cardio AND WEIGHT TRAINING!

After finishing P90X I started a hybrid of Insanity and P90X. 13 days into my hybrid I fell and broke my right foot. Not even gonna lie....I was freaking the hell out at first. I was scared to death that I would gain all my weight back while my foot healed. But the day after I broke my foot I woke up and realized that only my foot was broken. Not my whole body. I could modify P90X and still be able to workout during my healing process. I had to put Insanity off since that is pure cardio with crazy jump training. But for 6 weeks I modified and pushed myself 6 days a week and continued on with the P90X schedule. When I went back to see my Dr at 6 weeks he was absolutely amazed at how quickly I had healed. He thought for sure I would be in my boot until week 8 and said I would not be able to put pressure on my foot until week 10. He was WRONG! Not only was I out of my boot by week 6 but I was able to apply pressure on my foot also. Nothing was going to stop me on my fitness journey. Not even a broken foot;)
I finished round 2 of P90X and then started TurboFire. One month after starting TurboFire I decided I wanted more weight training and started doing Chalean Extreme along with TurboFire. By the end of TurboFire I was down to 18% body fat. In case your not sure, 18% body fat is REALLY good for a woman. Average is 20-22%
I finished 2011 with Insanity and round 3 of P90X.

Currently I am doing Beachbody's Les Mills Pump. I'm in complete love with this fitness program. I am only starting week 4 now and already I see changes. I have a hard time actually taking my scheduled rest days with this program because I love it so much. If you love Les Mills Body Pump you will LOVE LOVE LOVE Beachbody Les Mills Pump. If you want information on any beachbody program I have mentioned please ask. I became a beachbody coach January 2011 and have been helping people with their fitness journey's ever since.
You can also check out my beachbody website at

Now that I have everyone caught up on my fitness journey we can just continue forward.
My current fitness goals are to lose 8 lbs that I gained over the fall. Then I would like to lost an additional 10 lbs. Not looking to get ripped. Just a little leaner.

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