Tuesday, January 17, 2012


First official personal blog post. I have no idea how many people are actually going to want to read this, but it is better then using fb as my personal diary. First things first...if you are offended by offensive language you probably do not want to subscribe to this blog. I'll do my best to keep my 4 letter words under control, but for heaven's sake this is ME we're talking about.

Speaking of me, I guess I should intro myself for those who don't really know me.

My name is Charity Reed and I am a wife, mother of 2 daughers, mother of 2 dog's, certified professional photographer, owner of Times of Life Photography, Beachbody coach and fitness freak. Above you will see our most recent family portrait.

The purpose of my personal blog is to let people in on my life as a fitness freak, a new vegan, and my relocation as it happens. I hope this will be a great way for me to keep people up to date on all that is going on in my life. If you have questions or comments. Or you want me to discuss something specific just ask:)

As I mentioned before I am a new vegan. Just started my journey on January 2nd, 2012. I am still learning as I go. But I can tell you, I feel AMAZING since making the change. I'll get into more detail of that as the blog continues. But for now welcome to my personal online diary titled Faith, Hope & Charity.


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  3. Hey Girl!
    Love it. I will follow you and no worries here you gotta say the 4 letter word say it sista!! I am with you on the vegan eating...still learning and so far feeling great too. I will admit I messed up one day and had some chicken for lunch as I had to work through lunch and was hungry :-) We can do it !!! Hope your move to TN is good... will be thinking of you!

    Your Crazy Fitness Pal,

  4. Welcome to the world of blogging!

    Your Coach,

