Tuesday, January 24, 2012

People surprise me

Since starting my health & fitness journey in May 2010 I have been surprised over and over again by how some people react to the things I am doing in my life. Initially in my journey I had people telling me I didn't need to lose any more weight after I had just lost 20 lbs. People discouraging me from trying to lose more weight and meet my goal of 50lbs. This completely surprised me that people would actually try to talk me out of weight loss. WTF???
But I tightened my circle and moved on. Met my goals. Made new goals and kept moving forward.

But I must admit that when I decided to go vegan I was VERY surprised when people tried to talk me out of that also. Seriously who the hell are they to tell me what I should and should eat? And how in the hell is it effecting them that I don't eat animal product anymore. Come on people, worry about what's on YOUR plate not mine. I have decided though that when people say to me "OH your vegan, make sure you eat enough protein!" I am going to reply with "Oh your omnivore, make sure you eat enough fruit & veggies!"

By now I should NOT be surprised at the things people say. I should not be surprised when people think what I am doing in my life dramatically effects their life.

So WHY is it that I was once again surprised when people felt my family's decision to move was something that maybe I should have discussed with them first? REALLY???? This is when I want to say "I know this is a hard concept to grasp but my family is doing what we believe is in OUR best interest. We are not thinking about YOU!"

I currently can not discuss to much about our decision to move, but as soon as I can. I will blog about this like crazy. In the meantime please bare with me and know that this decision is one that has been in the planning process for TWO years. We did not make this decision over night. I am just now leaking more details and maybe I shouldn't have until.

I do not want to end this blog post on a negative so let's talk about something positive. JUICING!!! If you haven't tried making your own fresh juice I suggest you buy a cheap $30 juicer from Wal-Mart and give it a try. You will never buy store OJ again. To start with juicing try a simple recipe such as 1 orange and enough carrots to fill the cup to 10oz. When your ready try some green juices which contain fruits and spinach or kale.

That's it for tonight peeps. Eat an orange and keep smiling;)

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