Friday, January 27, 2012

Macro Green WHAT????

Per the recommendation of my vegan mentor Brian Revere I started using Macro Greens today. Don't worry if you don't know what it is. I didn't either. Macro Green's is made by MacroLife Naturals. It is a nutrient rich super-food. What does it do for you and why did I listen to Brian you may ask? Well here is why:

Macro Greens® is a non-allergenic nutrient-rich super food supplement that optimizes pH for stimulant-free health and surpasses the nutrition of five servings of fruits and vegetables without the calories or carbohydrates.

The benefits of using Macro Greens® daily include increased energy, weight loss, increased mental clarity, balanced blood sugar, strengthened immune system and improved digestion.

I figured what the hell. If Brian suggested it I'd try it for 30 days. According to him in a couple days I notice a difference and look forward to drinking this nasty tasting stuff.

Today I just drank it with 10oz's of plain tap water. I took one "taste" of it and quickly realized the only way I was getting it down was to hold my nose and guzzle. So I did!

Tomorrow I think I will try it with almond milk. I've read it is better that way. Also read that you can make a smoothie with it by mixing in fruits with the almond milk and putting in blender.
I also read it is good in fresh apple juice. I might try this also since I have apples and a juicer.

But stay tuned to see if I actually start to notice any benefits to this green super-food.

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